Trips & Visits

Trips and Visits at MGGS broaden our students’ educational experiences and make our subjects more relevant

At MGGS we believe that school trips and visits provide unique opportunities for kinaesthetic learning and encourage students to engage with people, places and buildings in new ways. We know that hands-on learning activities outside the classroom often lead to better achievement, standards, motivation, and personal development. Our school year is full of a rich variety of trips and visits that cover the entire breadth of our school curriculum and beyond!

Our flagship school trip is our biannual expedition to visit and support our partner school in Nepal. This two-week adventure is open to all our sixth form students and provides a unique opportunity to become immersed in Nepalese culture whilst exploring Kathmandu, Pokhara, and the Annapurna mountain range.

I just wanted to send a quick message to say a massive thank you to you and your team for this amazing opportunity and experience you have given to my daughter and the whole group from MGGS. The Nepal trip was truly a life changing experience, and I cannot wait to hear all about the trip – I was careful not to bombard her with too many questions the minute she walked through the door! As a new student to the school I know she was worried about how she might fit in with the group, but from the photos I have seen it seems to be all smiles and not a mention of missing us at home! What a wonderful experience – thank you again.

Parent of a Year 12 Student

We also offer a number of other international trips with the main destination this summer being Borneo.  Previous visits have included Iceland, China and Italy. Our Modern Foreign Languages department offers many opportunities throughout the school for our students to gain experience in speaking languages and learning about different cultures. There are numerous, well established, visits to France, Germany, and Spain for various year groups to take part in.

The school also organises day trips and visits to a wide variety of local and national locations to bring the school curriculum to life. This includes visits to museums, theatres, businesses, historical buildings, lectures, competitions, sports events, and much, much more. We know how important learning outside the classroom is for our students and we are always striving to provide our students with the best and most diverse experiences.

Students enjoy success in an extremely wide range of extra-curricular activities which include many cultural, sporting and musical opportunities. Participation is high and these activities do much to encourage teamwork.


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