On Wednesday this week MGGS had RISE Day, Resilience, Inspiration, Support and Excellence.  Read more to find out what each year group got up to!

Year 7, 8 and 9: Health & Wellbeing

Each of our Key Stage Three year groups took part in sessions designed to support and promote physical and mental health and wellbeing. 

Year 7’s day included sessions included advice, activities and discussions relating to physical fitness, puberty and inner confidence. We were really impressed with the maturity and thoughtfulness our youngest students showed when engaging with each of these topics. 

Year 8 heard an excellent session from an external speaker sharing insight and advice on personal safety and first aid. They also took part in sessions run by our own year 8 tutor team which explored important topics such as self esteem; sun safety and equality. 

Year 9’s day was focussed upon supporting and promoting mental wellbeing. This included a chance to explore attitudes to mental health and strategies to support emotional wellbeing. There were also thoughtful discussions and practical advice shared in sessions on managing anxiety and coping with challenging life events.  

Year 10

Have been working hard in the world of… work this week. We are delighted that our work experience programme has restarted following the disruption of recent years. Feedback from staff visits to a wide range of workplaces, directly from our students, and from their ‘employers’  has been really positive. Well done Year 10!

Year 11

Year 11 heard directly from two inspirational speakers. Their life stories, experiences and advice really resonated with our young people. We have already requested that both return to share their stories next year’s year 11. In addition, there were a range of sessions designed to support students’ understanding of adult life, this included input from the NHS, financial advisers and our own staff during a ‘game of life’ activity.

Rise Day 4 at mggs