Raising Roofs and Spirits for Shree Himalaya Milan School in Nepal for a Roof Reconstruction Triumph!

Many of you will already know we have a partner school in Nepal; the Shree Himalaya Milan Secondary School in Tangting and our students have visited on several occasions.  The next visit is in February 2025!  

During the past 10 years, there have been several earthquakes in the Tangting region that have caused the school roof to leak. The upper floor of the building became difficult to use in the rainy season. The school has used the 2022 RAG Week money plus a Nepal government grant to start construction on replacing the roof with a new one which will be more flexible and hopefully more resistant to earthquake damage.

 Some of the MGGS RAG Week 2023 money will also go towards finishing off this project.  Please see the photo taken last week of the school (the students are currently on holiday) without its roof!

When the roof goes back on there will be a plaque which will look like this (plus the MGGS logo to go in the top middle).

Our school motto, Non sibi sed Omnibus, inspires our whole school community to organise and take part in many charity events throughout the year with our partner school being just one of them.