Our Maths Inspiration Trip is a journey into the captivating world of Mathematics, where equations come to life, and every formula tells a story!

The maths team took a trip to London’s Cambridge Theatre with some of the year 10s, 12s and 13s, to explore the Beauty of Numbers and Patterns. They had the opportunity to engage in talks by well known mathematicians such as Matt Parker, Rob Eastway, Aoife Hunt and Ben Sparks on topics such as “Are you smarter than AI”, and ‘The sacred geometry of chance’.  They had the opportunity to look at large scale events and how Mathematics is used in real life events on an every day basis using Normal Distribution, quadratics and speed, distance, time.  This helped them to understand the use of what they learn in lessons.


“Exploring the Beauty of Numbers and Patterns: Our Math Inspiration Trip is a journey into the captivating world of mathematics, where equations come to life, and every formula tells a story. 

#MathematicsAdventures #InspiredByNumbers”