Year 7: Journey of Discovery

Year 7 End of Term Update

Year 7, you have now been at MGGS for two terms and what a busy two terms it has been! The trip to Blackland Farm in September was a highlight for me. You have learned so much about MGGS in this time and also engaged in lifelong important lessons such as Internet Safety and how to be resilient. This term has seen lots of fundraising and fun. It was lovely to see so many of you with your families at the Quiz night at the beginning of November and to see you participating in the Music concert. You have raised lots of money for our various charities through your participation in the reading marathon, GloJam and RAG week. I think it’s now time for a well earned rest! Wishing you all a very Happy and relaxing Christmas and New Year with friends and family and I look forward to seeing you all nicely refreshed in 2024.  

Mrs Ryan, HOS Year 7