Year 13: Excelling in Future A Levels and Ready for the Next Academic Adventure

Year 13 End of Term Update

What a brilliant, but exceptionally busy term we have had! Thank you to the Head Students for organising and putting on a fantastic RAG week, their commitment to bring you entertainment and raise more money than ever is truly inspiring! In these challenging times, it is wonderful to see how caring and empathic our students are to those who need support.

We have also been very busy finalising and sending UCAS applications as well as having many discussions about Post-18 options. While this does take up a lot of time, it is definitely one of the highlights of our year, supporting our students in researching their next steps. They have all been working incredibly hard, which I’m sure will pay off in their January mock exams.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas break and come back in January refreshed and ready for your last 5 months of school.

Miss Sindall, HOS Year 13