Careers Corner – Careers Check-Ins

Careers Check-Ins

Year 9 – If you need any support with your GCSE choices let me know! Remember to consider what you like/are good at. 

Year 10 – Please continue searching for your work experience placements over the break. I will be checking in at form time on our return.

Year 11- Everyone should have completed at least 1-2 applications for post 16 choices. Reach out if you need to.

Year 12 – Use this holiday to reach out to some companies for support with work experience.  

Year 13- Make sure you have a plan ready for January should this be: UCAS/apprenticeships/ employment/travelling etc.

I will check in with those who have not submitted a UCAS in the New Year.

Merry Christmas and here’s to a successful New Year!

Mrs. Culbreth Aspiration and Careers Leader

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