InterArt House Competition Winners!

I am delighted to announce the winners of the InterArt House Competition on the theme of ‘Joy’ as follows:


1st place:  Emily P (Vikings)

2nd place: Ezra-May (Danes)

3rd place: Jessica T (Romans)



1st place: Sam W (Danes)

2nd Place: Alice T (Saxons)

3rd place: Sreelakshmi S (Britons)



1st Place: Alice C (Danes)

2nd Place: Ellie M (Vikings)

3rd Place: Emily G (Romans) and Ellie T (Britons)



Thank you to everybody who took part and voted.  I have added up the house points and the houses have come away with the following totals from this years competitions:

1st Place: Danes with 267 house points

2nd Place: Vikings with 208 house points

3rd Place:  Romans with 99  house points

4th Place: Britons with 90 house points

4th Place: Saxons with 61 house points

Look out for the InterArt Competition 2025, which will be happening in Term 3 next academic year.

Mrs Jenkins, Head of Art Department