Navigating AI & Technology in Education CPD for School Leaders & Teachers.. Booking Now Open

We are delighted to offer places at the Navigating AI & Technology in Education CPD event on 28th June 2024 here at MGGS:  

Tipping Points, Transformation & Turbulence

Join this enlightening event focused on the intersection of AI, digital technology and education. The day will provide school leaders and teachers with insights and strategies for managing the potential impact of AI in classrooms whilst supporting the well-being of students and teachers.

Please see the attached flyer below for further information for what promises to be an engaging, insightful and deeply interesting day. 

Key Highlights

> Engaging input and practical workshops led by experts and seasoned educators

> Networking opportunities with like-minded professionals

> Resourceful takeaways for immediate implementation in classrooms

If you would like to book a space for yourself or a small group of colleagues from your school or trust please visit