Year 8 Product Design Club: Pewter Cast Keyrings

The Year 8 pewter casting club has been an exciting journey of discovery for both the students and myself as a subject prefect. From the first day, the Year 8’s excitement was clear as they went straight into the process of pewter casting, learning to melt pewter and pour it into moulds to create their designs. The hands-on experience not only introduced them to a new technique but also ignited a broader interest in Product Design, highlighting the creativity, technical skills, and problem-solving involved in the field. 

The students began by selecting their designs from MDF moulds and watching a demonstration of the pewter being heated using the brazing hearth and then pouring it into a mould. Once the Year 8’s casts had cooled, they started filing and sanding their piece, then applying a metal polish for extra shine. Finally, they attached keychains and hooked them onto their backpacks!

Skye Hoang, Sixth Form Product Design Subject Prefect