Miss Stanley’s End of Term Message

It barely seems possible that we are already at the end of another academic year. I have recently been reflecting on how many extra-curricular opportunities there have been for our students over the past 12 months, both in terms of trips off the school site, as well as numerous extra-curricular events in school. As always the key events such as House Arts, rag Week and Sports Day have been highlights of the year. This year the Well-being Walk was such a positive event to bring the whole school together and provide messages of hope.

As with any normal year, there have been some frustrations. This year, that most certainly has been the lack of progress on our new building. I am assured that this will be restarting early in the autumn and I hope to be able to provide more positive feedback in the new academic year.

At the end of this year, we are saying goodbye to some staff. Mr Chapman is retiring after 26 years at MGGS.  His passion for music has been very clear throughout his time at MGGS. This year has been a good year for the Music department.  I was very pleased that after a break of 3 years, we were able to have the Carol Service back in All Saints Church in Maidstone last December. This was followed in the spring by a packed spring concert, with so many students participating.  Mrs Wood has also gained promotion to become Director of Music. She and Mr Chapman have worked together for sixteen years with a number of joint music ventures. They both go with our very best wishes for the future.

Mrs Robbins is also leaving us after 10 years as she has gained promotion to Assistant Headteacher. It was a privilege to attend the recent Sports Presentation Evening and see how much sport is offered at MGGS, and how many of our students are participating in the opportunities that are available for them. I am very grateful to Mrs Robbins for leading the PE department over her time here. We wish her well in her new school.

We are grateful to a number of staff who have been here for a short period of time, who we will be moving onto new opportunities this year. Our thanks go to each of Mrs Culbreth, Ms Winter, Ms Thomas, Mr Boorman, Mr Gooda and Miss Rana for all their hard work for MGGS.

I trust that each and every student and their family has a restful and happy summer holiday. Term starts again on Tuesday  3rd September.