Year 8 End of Term Update

Dear Year 8 students

As we come to the end of another incredible year, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the journey we have all embarked on together.  In your time here, I have witnessed your growth, both academically and personally.  You have taken risks, explored new subjects and discovered hidden talents within yourselves.  Your passion for learning and curiosity has been truly inspiring.  

Remember, success is not measured solely by grades, but by the lessons learned, the friendships forged and the character developed.  Take pride in your achievements, big and small, for they are stepping stones to a brighter future.  As you enter Year 9, be open to new experiences, embrace challenges, and always believe in yourselves.  Remember that you have a supportive community, ready to guide and nurture your potential. 

I am incredibly proud of each and every one of you, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for our Year 8 family.  Enjoy a well-deserved break and return refreshed, ready to make new memories and continue your journey of growth.  

Wishing you all a wonderful summer break!  

Miss Raja, Head of Study Year 8