RISE Day – Amazing work!

Last week we had our final RISE day of the year. As part of the day Year 8 and 9 both took part in creative competitions! 

Year 8 were tasked with producing a ‘monsters style’ piece of art linked to the theme of equality! There were so many amazing pieces of work across the year. In the end, the winning entry was from 8G (Issy S, Robyn H, Ekata L, Scarlett H, Isabel V and Anne Marie A) with runners-up being in 8G (Bea L-T, Evie B, Thea L, Athena N, May J and Jemima C) and 8A (Vanessa G, Zara A, Milly H, Katy K, Nancy J and Lola O).


Year 9 were tasked with producing a poster on a civil rights movement of their choice. Again, there was so much incredible work to choose from. The winning entry came from Millie S, Kitty S and Immy H in 9S who focused on the ‘Ni Una Menos’ movement.