Curriculum in Years 7-9

The MGGS curriculum for Years 7-9 is designed to extend and enrich, giving a full, rounded start to secondary education

Friendship at MGGS
At MGGS we provide students with the full three years to explore Key Stage 3. Our curriculum is underpinned by the principles of MEGA: postive Mindset, Enrichment, Google tools, Advanced thinking, giving a full, rounded start to secondary education. All subjects encourage enquiry whilst Enrichment is embedded into the National Curriculum (NC) schemes of work to complement and enhance students’ knowledge and understanding. Extension opportunities are provided within lessons for the most able students to be challenged. In Years 7,8 and 9 students study the core subjects, i.e. English, Maths, Science in 6 lessons per fortnight and 2 MFL with 4 lessons each. MGGS recognises the importance of the performing arts subjects and their contribution towards increasing our students’ confidence, which is why all students study dance, drama and music.

Number of hour lessons taught per fortnight in Years 7-9

Mathematics – 6
Science – 6
English – 6
French – 4
Spanish or German – 4
History – 3
Geography – 3
Physical Education – 3
Design Technology – 3
Religious Studies – 2
Art – 2
Music – 2
Drama – 2
Computer Science – 2

During each school year there are five MGGS ‘RISE Days’ when the school timetable is ‘suspended’ for a day. These days provide the main way in which Citizenship, Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) and Work Related Learning (WRL) are delivered, although it should be stressed that timetabled lessons also cover significant parts of these programmes of study.

If you have any questions related to Years 7, 8 and 9, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Teachers have excellent subject knowledge, and use this effectively to plan lessons with clear structure and purpose. Many activities are imaginative and creative, keeping students focussed and engaged.


The curriculum is outstandingly well geared to students’ academic needs and provides exceptionally well for thier future studies. Curricular breadth is seen in the strong promotion of the arts, music and sport.


Related Pages

Curriculum Vision & Aims
Welcome to years 7 to 9
Curriculum in Years 10-11

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