Sixth Form Open Events

Find out what makes our Sixth Form such a supportive, enjoyable and successful place to study

Sixth Form Open Events

We are delighted to offer the following events for prospective Sixth Form students and parents/carers – no booking required:

Open Evening

  • Thursday 14th November 2024: 4.00pm – 6.30pm
    Head of Sixth Form and Headteacher talks will be at 5.00pm and 6.00pm

I hope you enjoy the evening and we look forward to welcoming you.

MGGS Sixth Form

Explore our School

Thank you for taking the time to have a look at what we have to offer as a school for students in the 21st century. I do hope you enjoy this virtual tour.

Miss Deborah Stanley

Take a virtual tour of MGGS

Find out more about the Sixth Form at MGGS

Welcome to the MGGS Sixth Form Video
Sixth Form Prospectus 2023

Full details about the curriculum we offer at MGGS

Entry requirements and application procedures

Still have questions? Book a live 1-to-1 meeting

Classes at MGGS are an amazing space for personal development. The lessons give you food for thought and I often find myself hearing intellectual conversation in study periods. Students discussing homework, debates about the current state of politics, an economist explaining key concept to a politician – learning at MGGS gives you broad scope to seize opportunity.

Sixth Form Student

Make your application to join our Sixth Form using Kent Choices. Applications are now open, closing date: 2nd February 2024

In 2023…

150 students sat a total of 467 A level examinations

26% of all grades were A* or A

55.1% A* – B grades

82% achieved A* – C grades

A quarter of the cohort have gained places at Russell Group universities with 3 students gaining Oxbridge places, including 2 to study Medicine

As well as outstanding results students have opportunities in:

  • Leadership – Head Students, Subject Prefects & House Leaders

  • Employing advanced thinking techniques and developing a healthy Mindset for success

  • Our comprehensive and bespoke enrichment programme, Sixth Form Extra

  • EPQ and other additional qualifications

  • Extensive RSE and citizenship education

  • Guidance meetings with our full-time independent Careers Leader & highly experienced Leadership Team

  • A broad range of extra-curricular opportunities including Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

  • Social and cultural experiences through our strong house system and array of trips, events and traditions.

Related Pages

Welcome to the Sixth Form
Sixth Form Prospectus
Why Choose MGGS Sixth Form

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