Why Choose MGGS Sixth Form?

We are very proud of our school and hope that the following will help you to decide whether MGGS is the right place for you

We know that making a decision about Sixth Form is difficult; we are very proud of our school and hope that the following will help you to decide whether MGGS is the right place for you to study at Key Stage 5.

Our students enjoy outstanding teaching and achieve outstanding results.

Teachers practitioners are highly experienced and happy to invest time and energy in teaching, guiding and supporting students through their Key Stage 5 courses. We ensure that our students with SEND are supported both inside the classroom and out, in order to fully access and engage with our curriculum, working with external agencies as appropriate.

Results in 2023 were 26% A* or A, 55.1% A*-B and 82.5% A*-C. The destinations of our 2023 leaves can be found on the Student Destinations page. We are exceptionally proud of the achievements of our Sixth Form students.

MGGS has a great support system for our studies from lunchtime surgeries to having our own workspace. I can always find help and use the many resources we have.

Year 13 Student

After going to all of the sixth forms, MGGS was the one that felt right. The atmosphere was friendly and welcoming, and I could really envision myself studying my A Levels at MGGS.

Year 12 Student

We offer a broad and bespoke curriculum

We review the subjects offered each year to ensure breadth of choice for our prospective students.  We design our option blocks around student preferences allowing an exceptionally wide range of subject combinations. The Sixth Form Extra (6FX) programme enables students to pick up additional qualifications, or use the time for wellbeing and leisure, and this is entirely led by the student.

Our students receive outstanding pastoral care and have abundant opportunities to grow and develop

We rate health and happiness highly in helping you to achieve your potential; as a school our core values state that we nurture Resilient, Inspirational and Supportive students who strive for Excellence (RISE). We are well aware of the challenges and pressures of school and actively promote a healthy lifestyle. We have a non-teaching Key Stage 5 Learning Mentor, a full time Careers Adviser and a school counsellor. Our pastoral care is proactive as well as reactive, with opportunities to learn about key personal, social, health, economic, sex and relationships and citizenship issues through RISE Days, assemblies and 6FX. We offer all students leadership opportunities, trips and visits, including to Italy, Spain and our sister schools in Nepal, and extracurricular activities, including Duke of Edinburgh and NCS. We are a community who want to live well and make a positive contribution.

In Sixth Form there is a lot more independent learning time, which students benefit highly from as it gives the opportunity to focus on what we want to. In Sixth Form there are also many leadership opportunities… these roles are very fun and give you a sense of purpose within the school.

Year 13 Student

Community is a word that keeps coming up when people think of the MGGS environment – there are always people who want to help you and make sure your experience at the school is the best it can be.

Year 13 Student

Our Sixth Form is a friendly and supportive community

We are a welcoming community, who will encourage and support you as you work for your final school qualifications. We work together for the benefit of everyone. You will contribute to our Sixth Form and help to shape it for the future. There are clear expectations related to attitude and attendance and we build a relationship of mutual respect. We will challenge you to achieve your potential, and support you unreservedly in its pursuit.

Our students pursue their individual goals

We want our students to make informed choices about pathways, have high aspirations and a good understanding of the world of work. We have a full-time Careers and Higher Education Coordinator and the school is a holder of the nationally recognised Investors in Careers Award. Each student receives one-to-one advice and we work in close partnership with a range of businesses and higher education providers to offer tailored work experience and interview practice. The 2020 cohort are represented at universities across the country, including 3 students at Cambridge and more at other Russell Group universities such as Cardiff, Leeds, Southampton and Warwick. They are studying medicine, dentistry, law, architecture, midwifery, graphic design, astrophysics and more. A significant number of students are also appointed to prestigious degree apprenticeships including with Unilever and the Environment Agency, or to employment with well-known employers, such as Kent Police, and local business, Reflect Digital, an example of a business that partners with the school in providing networking and work experience opportunities. We support and celebrate all pathways.

Everyone supports one another – even if you’ve never spoken to someone in sixth form before, they are always friendly and supportive! SFMT are also supportive and provide guidance throughout your time in sixth form.

Year 12 Student

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