Open Events & Transitioning to MGGS

It is our personal touch that matters most to MGGS!

Year 4 Transitioning to MGGS

Open Mornings and Afternoons

It gives MGGS real pleasure to invite you to book one of our forthcoming Open Mornings or Afternoons.

This is an opportunity to have a tour of MGGS with one of our current Year 7 students, see a short presentation when the Headteacher will talk, visit our beautiful site including if you wish the WWII Tunnels, and see our school and students in action on a normal school day.

Please note you will be sent an email nearer the event time with an allocated time of arrival in order to avoid congestion.  A selection of photos/videos may be taken for promotional purposes by MGGS.  All details will be kept on our database in line with GDPR to ensure we keep you informed of any future events of interest at MGGS.

July 2024 Open Morning and Afternoon

  • 2nd July 2024, Open Morning 9.05 – 11.05 – book now
  • 3rd July 2024, Open Afternoon 13.35 – 15.25 – book now

Year 5 Transitioning to MGGS

Taster Lessons

Our Taster Lessons run throughout the academic year. There are lots of activities for girls in Year 5 in the Maidstone area who are looking for a grammar school education.

MGGS Taster for Events for Students in Year 5
  • 11+ Prep: Creative Writing

  • 11+ Prep: Non-Verbal Reasoning

  • 11+ Prep: Quantitative Reasoning

  • 11+ Prep: Verbal Reasoning

  • Drama

  • Discover MGGS

  • Food & Nutrition

  • Geography Explorers

  • History Detectives

  • A Medley of MFL

  • Mini Website Design

  • Musical Magic

  • PE – Dance

  • Science ‘Fireworks’ – Session 1

  • Science ‘Fireworks’ – Session 2

Open Mornings and Afternoons

It gives MGGS real pleasure to invite you to book one of our forthcoming Year 5 open mornings or afternoons. This is an opportunity to have a tour of MGGS, to visit our beautiful site and to see our school and students in action.

October 2024 Open Mornings and Afternoon

  • Wednesday, 2nd October 2024: between 1.35pm – 3.25pm – Open Afternoon
  • Monday, 21st October 2024: between 9.05pm – 11.05am Open Morning
  • Tuesday, 22nd October 2024: between 9.05am – 11.05am Open Morning

July 2025 Open Morning and Afternoon

  • Dates to be confirmed in due course

Open Evening

October 2024 Open Evening

  • Tuesday, 15th October 2024 between 16.30 – 19.30 Open Evening – Booking opening in September

This event is for current Year 5 and Year 6 students considering joining us.  Students and parents/carers will have a unique opportunity to explore our departments, meet our students and find out what makes MGGS such a special place.

Presentations are at 17:00, 18:00 and 19:00 in the Main Hall.

Our 11+ Open Evening includes:

  • Headteacher, Assistant Headteacher KS3 & Year 7 and Head Student presentations
  • Guided tour of MGGS by our students
  • Visit our departments and speak to our specialists teaching staff and subject prefects
  • Academic Achievements & Student Destinations post MGGS
  • Admissions Information Station
  • SEND & Medical Needs Advice … and much more!

Please note you will be sent an email nearer the event time with an allocated time of arrival in order to avoid congestion.

Year 6 Transitioning to MGGS

Open Evening

October 2024 Open Evening

  • Tuesday, 15th October 2024 between 16:30 – 19.30 Open Evening – Booking opening in September

This event is for current Year 5 and Year 6 students considering joining us.  Students and parents/carers will have a unique opportunity to explore our departments, meet our students and find out what makes MGGS such a special place.

Presentations are at 17:00, 18:00, 19:00 in the Main Hall.

Our 11+ Open Evening includes:

  • Headteacher, Assistant Headteacher KS3 & Year 7 and Head Student presentations
  • Guided tour of MGGS by our students
  • Visit our departments and speak to our specialists teaching staff and subject prefects
  • Academic Achievements & Student Destinations post MGGS
  • Admissions Information Station
  • SEND & Medical Needs Advice … and much more!

Please note you will be sent an email nearer the event time with an allocated time of arrival in order to avoid congestion.

Open Mornings and Afternoons

It gives MGGS real pleasure to invite you to book one of our forthcoming Year 6 open mornings or afternoons. This is an opportunity to have a tour of MGGS, to visit our beautiful site and to see our school and students in action.

October 2024 Open Mornings and Afternoon

  • Wednesday, 2nd October 2024: between 1.35pm – 3.25pm – Open Afternoon
  • Monday, 21st October 2024: between 09.05 – 11.05 Open Morning – Booking opening in September
  • Tuesday, 22nd October 2024: between 09.05 – 11.05 Open Morning – Booking opening in September

July 2025 Open Morning and Afternoon

  • Dates to be confirmed in due course

Key Dates for Transitioning to MGGS

  • March
    Offer letters

  • April
    GloJam Experience

  • May
    Individual Transition Meetings

  • June
    Team Building

  • June
    Parent/Carer information evening & pre-loved sustainable uniform

  • June/July
    Primary School Visits

  • July
    Student induction day

  • September
    Start of term (see term dates)

Every year we are extremely excited to welcome another cohort of students to begin their own MGGS journey. We understand that moving from your primary school can be a stressful experience and so over the years, we have honed an established transition programme that aims to make this big and important shift from primary to secondary education as smooth and peaceful as possible. We plan lots of fun and exciting events in the build-up to starting with us so that you can begin to feel more at home in our buildings and get to know our staff and teachers. We hope that at these events you will also meet your new classmates and make new friends. These events include welcome evenings, taster days, workshops, quizzes, competitions, and our Marchants Hill activity weekend.

We hope that the videos give you a good understanding of MGGS, its ethos and the quality education we provide. You are encouraged to view these on our website with your daughter, prior to booking a tour, to get a full picture of what MGGS has to offer. Our student guide will be happy to answer further questions you may have.

We look forward to receiving your booking and welcoming you to MGGS.

Miss Deborah Stanley

Related Pages

Headteacher's Welcome
Main School Prospectus
Admissions Information
Transitioning to Year 7

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