Antarctica’s Triumph: MGGS Flag’s Polar Odyssey – In the Interest of Mankind!

Readers may recall this News & Blog item as we bring you an exciting update: The MGGS Antarctica flag has reached Antarctica, arriving much earlier than anticipated. The flag journeyed to the Rothera Research Station with Simon Morley, a marine biologist. While exploring ‘the point’ at Rothera Research Station (67°34’8” S 68°7’29” W), he captured photos, and keen observers might spot a playful penguin and seal in the snowy scenes!

In the preceding academic term, Year 7 students at MGGS had a unique task: design a flag representing Antarctica to mark Antarctica Day on December 1st, celebrating the signing of the Antarctic Treaty.  Students contemplated what best signifies Antarctica and submitted their designs, yielding numerous impressive entries (see below). The winning design came from Eve H in 7N.

Eve’s winning flag design has returned from Antarctica and was sent to Polar research scientists. Currently, it is being flown and photographed in Antarctica, honoring the Antarctic Treaty and fostering a deeper appreciation for this extraordinary and essential region.