Book Now for a Glimpse into the MGGS Experience in Mini Website Design & Musical Magic!

Our Taster Lessons run throughout the academic year. There are lots of activities for students in Year 5 in the Maidstone area who are looking for a grammar school education at MGGS.

We have just launched our next two sessions: 

Mini Website Design – This taster lesson on Mini Website Design will give girls an introduction to creating multimedia web pages. It is a practical session held in one of our dedicated IT suites where students will learn and use commonly used features of the HTML and CSS languages.

Musical Magic – Students will explore singing, playing instruments and creating and performing their own music.

“My daughter felt relaxed and welcomed at the school.”

How to Book for Parents and Carers

This is very simple to do just visit our online booking page at:

Please be quick as these taster lessons are extremely popular.  We are only releasing dates for next term. Next term we will release dates for the following term etc.