
Graphics Room at the top of Buckland House
Most students who regularly use this space do so without issue but could I remind all students that this is a workspace and my office where I hold meetings. If I feel students are abusing the space or being inappropriate I will follow the behaviour policy accordingly.

Year 10 Work Experience
A reminder that there are still some students who either do not have a placement at all or need to chase people to complete their unifrog. Please wrap this up as soon as possible.

Y9 Enrichment: Working Confidence
Year 9 will have the chance to choose this enrichment session with an external professional next term. They will be spending the 6 weeks building on their confidence, self-awareness and emotional intelligence.  This will not only support them in their career journey but with their Year 10 work experience. I will be speaking to students about this in assembly next week but please seriously consider signing up.

Careers Newsletter 

Mrs. Culbreth Aspiration and Careers Leader

Careers Update new logo