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Working Confidence Enrichment Sessions 

A group of Year 9 students at MGGS had an Enrichment session with an external professional called Max* last term. This was a completely new project and very experimental but worked incredibly well. 

The Year 9s discussed self-awareness, their personal values and how to react positively should their values be ignored, conflict resolution and how to cope with change. The idea behind the sessions was to get students prepared for work experience in Year 10 and allow them time and space to find out who they are and what is important to them as well as to understand that they have to be tolerant of others to make things work. I was extremely happy with the students who took part in this, they participated thoughtfully and impressed both myself and Max. Have a look at a very small selection of the comments the students left at the end of the course to see their maturity and understanding shine through. 

“In a workspace or school environment we need to respect and accept everyone’s values even if we don’t share the same values or we don’t agree, but it’s also important that others learn to respect your values too…”

“Next time I will try to enhance my life by respecting people’s opinions and beliefs in the workplace.”

“[being] able to confidently manage my thoughts and feelings is important to me right now because it allows me to maintain a sense of inner peace and emotional stability. When I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, I can approach challenging situations with a clear and level-headed mindset, which often leads to better outcomes and less stress. Additionally, being able to manage my thoughts and feelings helps me to maintain healthy relationships with those around me, as I am able to communicate effectively and empathetically.”

“There are always going to be negative aspects in life but a lot of the time it is temporary and isn’t as important or terrible as it seems. Sometimes your past experiences with things can affect how you respond to daily things resulting in certain types of responses.”

“I’m going to socialise more with people specifically when they may be feeling down.”

“I am awesome with the right mindset.”

*Max owns her own company: https://www.maxand.co.uk/ and is a former MGGS parent – her daughter is currently studying at Cambridge University.
‘Max has over 30 years experience in organisational dynamics & behavioural change. Particularly passionate about coaching leadership teams’
Step into the NHS

Congratulations to the 3 9A students who received a certificate from the Step into the NHS competition for an outstanding entry.
Iman A

Laura S

Zuhal R

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