House Arts 2023 is coming…  ‘The Jewel in the Crown!’

Last year Britons house shone the brightest and won the ‘Jewel in the Crown’ as MGGS House Arts overall winner (pictured above).  Who will be this year’s winners?

This year’s theme is Enrichment and the format is Music.

The day is about showcasing the fantastic performances that House Leaders have put together, coming together as a school community.

We are all looking forward to seeing the performances at the end of term and finding out who is going to take the ‘Jewel in the Crown’ this year.

Good luck everyone!

Our school has a very well established House system going back many decades.  Every student is a member of either Britons, Danes, Normans, Romans, Saxons or Vikings.  During the course of the year there are a wide range of House competitions, including our Sports Day. House Arts is the ‘jewel in the crown’ of House events and is an annual competition rotating between Music, Drama and Dance.  In the space of one term, Sixth Form House Leaders have worked tirelessly with members of their Houses to produce performances of outstanding quality.

Do you remember House Arts day in times gone past? If so, do get in touch or comment on our social media pages – we’d love to hear your recollections!