Induction Day at MGGS: Excitement and Community Spirit


On Wednesday 10th of July we welcomed our new Sixth Form students to the school to induct them into our fantastic Sixth Form. Students spent the day getting to know what makes Sixth Form as MGGS great (better than all the other ones!), getting to know one another in preparation for September, having taster lessons in their elected A Level subjects and spending time with our House Leaders. 

It was delightful to see a real sense of energy and enthusiasm as students began their preparations for Sixth Form. At break and lunch time we all met in Sixth Form Central, where students were positively sharing their experiences of their taster lessons with one another. Their teachers certainly managed to catch their imagination and generate excitement about what lies ahead. 

As is always the case, there was a palpable and strong sense of community spirit, which was really noticed by our external students and helped to make them feel very welcome.

We can’t wait to welcome them back in September as fully-fledged members of the Sixth Form community.