Library Clubs are back!

Library Clubs are open to all students from all years. Come and make new friends and learn new skills.

Monday – Friday Librarians (subject to application) 

Learn how the library works, help keep the library looking tidy, adopting a bookshelf and working as a team.

Monday Lunch time – Games Club

Come and play one of our many board games.

Monday – 15:30 – 16:30  D&D

Learn how to play this exciting role playing game using just dice and your imagination. Suitable for experienced players or beginners.

Tuesday – 15:30 – 16:20  Book Club

Read, try book-relatedquizzes and discuss your favourite books.

Wednesday Lunch – 14:00 – 14:20 Young Editors

Get your hands on a manuscript that hasn’t been published and give your opinion back to the publisher. 

Help shape the fiction of tomorrow today!

Wednesday – 15:30 – 16:20  Book Craft

Recycle old books into something new. Bring your own pens/pencils and ideas.

Thursday – 15:30 – 16:20  Comic Book Club

Explore the world of Graphic Novels, including comics, picture books and manga. Create your own  comic strip which will be published on the library website.

Friday Lunch – 14:00 – 14:20   Story Time

Got that Friday feeling, come and relax and listen to a  story being read in the comfy end of the library.