New Beginnings ~ Creative Writing Competition

Creative Writing Competition @MGGS

With the end of the first term comes the end of this term’s creative writing competition! The theme for term 1 was “New Beginnings”, inspired by the many new starts faced in term 1.

We have thoroughly enjoyed reading through all the entries, from the poems to the short stories that many of you submitted!

Now for the part everyone has been waiting for. It was a very hard decision as every entry was amazing… But! Without further ado, the winner is….  

Beatrice R!

Congrats!!! At the start of term 2 come to the English office to collect a book prize and you will also get a Headteacher’s Award.

Now for the runners up…  Chloe M and Sylvie R! 

Congrats, you both will get a Headteacher’s Award for your fantastic entries.

We can’t wait to read everyone’s entries for this terms theme! Stay tuned…  Rachel and Ellie 

Here is the winning entry

New Beginnings 


I felt something detonate inside of my tired body

The pain of my memories

Made my chest explode

And as it ensued

My Screams rattled my crooked mouth,

despair crawled out from the depths of my heart,

And out through my skin

And with it

So did the tension,

The anger,

The Frustration,

I held against you.


When hell abated from my body,

I felt different

I felt new

I felt fresh

I felt free.

The tension I held in my heart,

Too close to my heart,

Was gone.


I had turned the pages of my life,

And what lay there,

Was a new chapter.


A new beginning.