Sixth Form Bonding Trip to Folkstone: A Journey of Friendship, Celebration, and Unity!

Sixth Form Bonding Trip to Folkstone: A Journey of Friendship, Celebration, and Unity!

We’re thrilled to share the exciting highlights of our unforgettable Sixth Form bonding trip to Folkstone! With over 150 enthusiastic Year 11 and 12 students in tow, we embarked on an epic adventure.

The trip was a tremendous success, bringing together students from the two different year groups, soon to be the MGGS sixth form of 2024-2025. It was a great opportunity for new friendships to bloom and for existing ones to be celebrated. The vibrant atmosphere of Folkestone and the beautiful sunshine on Monday provided the perfect backdrop for this joyous occasion.

Our day was filled with laughter and discovery as we sat on the beach and enjoyed a classic seaside treat of fish and chips! We also enjoyed an ice cream as we explored the Harbour arm.

But it wasn’t just the attractions that made the trip memorable; it was the bonds that were strengthened and forged during our time together. Sharing experiences and creating lasting memories, our students built connections that will endure long after our return.

We extend our gratitude to the teachers and staff who put in tremendous effort to ensure the smooth running of this adventure. Their dedication and commitment made it possible for us to visit the seaside.

Until the next adventure!