Sports Day 2024

On Wednesday the air was charged with anticipation as students from all houses gathered to compete in a wide range of events for our Sports Day.  The atmosphere was electric as our students showcased their skills, determination, and sportsmanship throughout the day. The level of talent, commitment and determination displayed by the students was truly remarkable and a testament to their hard work and dedication. 

I am particularly proud to announce that several individuals went above and beyond, delivering truly excellent performances, which resulted in a number of school records being broken. At the end of a successful day, the students sat around the track and waited in anticipation to see who would be crowned MGGS 2024 Champions; the Headteacher stepped forward naming Vikings House as this year’s winner!  A huge congratulations goes out to all the Viking’s competitors and their House Leaders.

Beyond the physical achievements, it is important to recognise the unwavering sportsmanship and camaraderie displayed by all competitors and supporters. Our students exemplified the values of fair play, respect, and support for their fellow competitors, creating an environment that truly embodied the spirit of sportsmanship at MGGS.

I would like to extend my congratulations to all the competitors, House Leaders and supporters for their efforts and contributions. Their dedication and commitment have made this Sports Day an unforgettable event, and I am proud of each and every one of them.

Mrs Robbins, Head of PE Department