Taster Lessons NOW Open for Year 5

Year 5 Taster Lessons

We are delighted to launch our new Taster Lessons for Year 5 students! 

Our Taster Lessons run throughout the academic year. There are lots of activities for students in Year 5 in the Maidstone area who are looking for a grammar school education at MGGS.

We would very much like to invite you to book onto our forthcoming Year 5 Taster Lessons.  

How to Book for Parents and Carers

This is very simple to do just visit our online booking page at https://www.mggs.org/joining-us/joining-our-year-7/open-events-for-joining-in-year-7/#y5transition and select the Taster Lessons you wish to book.  

Please be quick as these taster lessons are extremely popular.  We are only releasing dates for next term and then next term we will release dates for the following term etc.