Year 11 Celebration Brunch

The Year 11s took a break from their exams this week with a delightful brunch. It was a chance for them to relax, reflect on their time at MGGS so far, and enjoy some delicious food together!

The atmosphere was filled with laughter and warm reminiscing. Students swapped stories, shared inside jokes, and celebrated the unique bond they’ve built during their time together.

There was a fun, lighthearted spirit as friends signed each other’s shirts. Many cameras flashed throughout the event, and the photographer managed to capture some fantastic photos that truly show the year group’s close-knit personality.

Get ready to relive the fun, Year 11! All the brunch photos will be uploaded to the Year 11 classroom page soon, so you can download and cherish these moments. 

We look forward to our next opportunity to truly unwind after the exams finish when we attend the trip to Folkestone next month.