Welcome to Years 10-11

We are committed to ensuring all our students achieve outstanding results, acquiring skills and qualifications necessary to pursue their post GCSE career

At MGGS, Year 10 and 11 is an exciting time in our students education because it is the first that time they will have been given the opportunity to choose some of the courses that they would like to follow. However, they are also two extremely important years as they are the time for studying towards the GCSE public examinations. There is of course always a balance and we will maintain our focus on extra-curricular enrichment and broader learning, through arts, sports, our enrichment programme, trips, lectures, RISE days and much more.

Throughout Years 10 and 11 students will be encouraged to become involved in their own self-assessment and, through discussion with their teachers, encouraged to identify their strengths and areas to further develop in order to plan future learning needs. At MGGS, we call this process Assessment as Learning. Thinking skills will become increasingly important to students and their GCSE studies, particularly the higher-order thinking skills which are linked to GCSE grades 9, 8, and 7 style examination questions. Students will be encouraged to use a wide range of techniques from the MGGS GCSE Mindset programme to help enhance their learning.

Honestly couldn’t be happier with the school. It has been fantastic over the years and my daughter enjoys every minute. Good old fashioned work hard, play hard ethics.


Year 10 and 11 Curriculum

At MGGS, all of our students study a broad and balanced curriculum that will allow them to achieve the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) qualification. The EBacc is a set of core subjects at GCSE level that keeps young people’s options open for further study and future careers, meaning all our students will study GCSE courses in English Language and Literature, Maths, the Sciences, Religious Education, a Humanity and a Modern Foreign Language. Students can also choose additional GCSE courses to suit their own interests and future aspirations. The additional courses we offer include French, German, Spanish, Geography, History, Art, Computer Science, Food Preparation and Nutrition, Product Design, Art Textiles, Dance, Drama, Music and GCSE Physical Education.

In addition to their GCSE course, students at MGGS also participate in our enrichment programme, including core Physical Education and through the school’s RISE Days in Personal, Social & Health Education, Citizenship and Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance.

At MGGS we are committed to ensuring that all of our students achieve their potential in Years 10 and 11 and have acquired all the skills and qualifications necessary so they can continue on paths they may wish to pursue after their GCSEs.

5+ 9-4 (A*-C) including English and Mathematics
Students achieving 5 or more grade 9-7 (A*/A)
Percentage of grades that were 9-7 (A*/A)
Percentage of grades that were 9-6 (A*-B)

The ambition for pupils at Maidstone Girls Grammar School (MGGS) is limitless.
Pupils, from Years 7 to 13, aspire to be the very best they can be. They value the
dedicated support from staff as they determinedly pursue different career ambitions.
Pupils are eager to explain how the school’s extensive and well-considered
curriculum is helping them pursue their dreams, whether this is to be a doctor, actor,
author, scientist or something else.

Ofsted 2023

Related Pages

Curriculum Vision & Aims
Curriculum in Years 10-11
GCSE Exam Results
Pastoral Care

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